
Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Akbar Djurabayevich Tashkulov
(0371) 207-04-58
Friday, from 3 pm to 5 pm.
Akbar Djurabayevich Tashkulov was born on September 21, 1971, in the Jizzakh district of Jizzakh region.
He is the lawyer, the first rank counselor of justice. He graduated from Tashkent State Institute of Law in 1994.
He started his career in 1994-1995 as a senior consultant at the International Law Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1995-1997 Akbar Tashkulov worked as a Chief Consultant of the Department on Drafting and Legal Expertise of Legislative and Regulatory Acts at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 1997-2000 – Head of the Department on Legal Issues in the national economy, in 2000-2002 – Head of the Department on Classification of Legislation and Legal Information, 2002-2003 – Head of the Department on Legal Issues in the National Economy, 2003-2005 – Head of the Department on Legal Protection of Foreign Investments and Enterprises with Foreign Investments. In 2005-2013 he was a Head of the Surkhandarya Regional Department of Justice, in 2013-2017 – Head of the Syrdarya Regional Department of Justice, in 2017-2021 – Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2021-2022 – Rector of Tashkent State University of Law. In 2015 Mr.Tashkulov was awarded the honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Uzbekistan".
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 15, 2022, PF-249 Akbar Tashkulov was appointed Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
organization of activities of the bodies and institutions of justice and implementation of general administration;
administration of activities of the Ministry;
planning the work of the ministry, ensuring control over its execution;
administration of activities of the Department of Organizational Control and Strategic Planning;
administration of activities of the Human Resources Department;
administration of activities of the Financial and Economic Department;
administration of activities of the Case management Department;
administration of activities of the First Unit;
administration of activities of the Anti-Corruption Unit in the system of the Ministry of justice;
administration of activities of the Minister’s Adviser and the Public Relations Unit;
improvement of financial and logistical support, material and living conditions of workers.
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Alisher Karimov Nishanovich
Wednesday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
Alisher Karimov was born in 1978 in Khojaabad district of Andijan region, has a higher education, in 1999 he graduated from the Tashkent State Institute of Law, in 2011, the Academy of State and Social Construction under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with a degree in law.
He began his career in 1999 as a leading specialist in the Legal Department of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations (now the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade).
He started his career in the Ministry of Justice in 2017 as Deputy Head of the Department of Criminal, Administrative and Social Legislation.
Since 2019, he worked as the head of the Main Department of Legislation.
1) the following duties:
pursuing a unified state legal policy, coordinating and improving the efficiency of lawmaking activities;
coordination of activities in the field of regulatory impact assessment and anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts and their projects;
2) administration of activities of the Main Department of Legislation, the Department of Criminal, Administrative and Social Legislation, the Department of Economic Legislation, the Department of State Registration of Departmental Normative Legal Acts, the Department of Systematization of Legislation and Assessment of Regulatory Impact.
3) coordination of the activities of the Public Institution “National Legal Information Center “Adolat” (on the dissemination of legal information and ensuring access to it).
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Muzraf Mubarakkhodzaevich
Thursday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
1) the following duties:
implementation of legal information campaign, as well as coordination of the work of state bodies and organizations in the field of legal information campaign;
coordination, control and methodological assistance to the activities of legal services of state bodies and organizations, as well as ensuring the provision of legal services to state bodies and organizations defined in legislative acts;
ensuring the effective functioning of the notary system, the legal profession and other structures providing legal services to individuals and legal entities;
participation in the development and implementation of measures to counteract the legalization of proceeds from criminal activities, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
implementation of state policy in the field of development of the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations, assistance in organizing their interaction with government agencies and organizations;
adoption of systematic and consistent measures to improve the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international rankings and indices in the political and legal sphere;
establishing and strengthening international legal cooperation, conducting legal expertise of international treaties;
ensuring legal protection of the interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international and foreign organizations, timely informing the international community, foreign investors about the national legal system and ongoing legal reforms;
2) administration of activities of the Main Department of International Legal Cooperation, the Department of International Legal Cooperation, the Department of Work with International Ratings and Indices, the Department of Arbitration and Litigation, the Department of Regulation of Legal Services, the Department of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations, the Department of Legal Advocacy and Awareness
3) coordination of the activities of the Public Institution “National Legal Information Center “Adolat” (on the implementation of legal information campaign).
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Hudoyor Khurramovich Meliev
(0371) 207-04-60
Monday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
1) the following duties:
implementation of a unified state policy in the field of administrative procedures;
implementation of a unified state policy in the provision of public services to individuals and legal entities;
improvement of the procedure for the provision of public services by eliminating redundant administrative procedures, as well as the development of interdepartmental electronic cooperation;
monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of state bodies and other organizations in the provision of public services, including the introduction of appropriate information systems, resources and databases;
2) administration of activities of the Main Department of Public Services, the Department of Control over the Provision of Public Services, the Department of Coordinating the Activities of Public Service Centers and Registry Offices, the Department of Digitalization of Public Services, the Department of the Improvement and Monitoring of Administrative Procedures;
3) coordination of the activities of the Public Institution “Center for the Development of Public Services” and the Public Institution “Information and Communication Technology Development Center in bodies and institutions of justice”.

Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Mukhammadiev Aktam Zayniddinovich
(0371) 207-04-61
Tuesday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
1) the following duties:
1) implementation of measures to ensure consistent and uniform law enforcement practice in the activities of state and economic management bodies, local government bodies;
ensuring measures for legal protection of the rights, freedom and legitimate interests of citizens;
conducting targeted and thematic analytical studies and monitoring the state of affairs on the ground in the context of industries, regions and departments to ensure timely, complete and high-quality execution of legislative acts and instructions, including jointly with the Chamber of Accounts;
analysis and monitoring of the effectiveness of the public administration system based on advanced foreign experience and modern development trends;
organization of training, retraining and advanced training of legal personnel, provision of fundamental and applied research in the field of jurisprudence;
development of priority directions for the development of forensic expertise, coordination of work on training and advanced training of forensic experts;
establishing priorities directions for the development of forensic work, coordinating the work on preparation and improving the qualification of forensic examiners;
2) administration of activities of the Department of Analysis and Monitoring of the Effectiveness of the Public Administration System, the Department of the Study of Law Enforcement Practice in Socio-economic sphere, the Department of Control over the Execution of Acts and Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Department of the Protection of Human Rights, the Department of Legal Education and Forensic Examination;
3) coordination of the activities of the Research Institute of Legal Policy, the Republican Center for Forensic Examination named after H.Sulaymonova, Tashkent State University of Law, Law colleges and Academic Lyceum;
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tulkin Sayfullaevich Abdusattarov
Wednesday, from 3 pm to 5 pm
1) the following duties:
formulating and ensuring of the unified state policy in the field of intellectual property as well as protection of rights to inventions, trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property objects;
legal protection of inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks and other intellectual property objects;
2) administration of activities of Main Department of Intellectual Property, the Department of Registration of Intellectual Property Objects, the Department of Legal Protection of Industrial Property, the Department of Copyright and Related Rights, the Department of Analysis and Development of Intellectual Property
3) coordination of the activities of the Public Institution “Intellectual Property Center”.