Institutions of Justice

Republican Center for Forensic Science named after H. Sulaimanova
Head: Halilov Akram Utamurodovich
(0371) 209-01-49
(0371) 209-11-55
Web site:
29, Chilanzar street, Tashkent
Until 1995, the Republican Center for Forensic Expertise named after Xadicha Sulaymonova was named as the Tashkent Forensic Research Institute. At that time, there was no legal act regulating forensic activities. With the independence of Uzbekistan, the Republican Forensic Center began a new stage in its development.
In order to improve the work of forensic examination in the country, develop scientific research, ensure justice with objective, accurate and reliable expert opinions, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 22, 1995 under No. 234 “On the development of the examination service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted, according to which the Tashkent Forensic Research Center was transformed into the Republican Forensic Research Center, for which the first was given the task of scientific-methodical and coordinating agency for forensic examination.
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministry of August 27, 2003 under No. 370 “On measures to further improve the activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, it became known as the Republican Center for forensic Examination.
Initially, questions about forensic examination were reflected mainly in the Criminal Procedure Code, Civil Code, Economic Procedural Code, Administrative Responsibility Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, while the concept of forensic examination and its activities were not fully covered in a specific legal act.
In connection with the reform of the judicial-legal system, legal acts on the activities of judicial expertise began to be improved. The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Forensic Examination”, adopted on June 1, 2010, regardless of the types of litigation, determined the general rules governing forensic activities based on democratic principles. The law streamlines the legal framework for forensic expertise in the Republic of Uzbekistan and unifies legislation in the field of forensic expertise, as well as created the conditions for the dynamic development of forensic expertise in Uzbekistan, conducting expert research in accordance with international standards, at a modern scientific level.
In 1991, 4 laboratories, 2 departments and 6 regional departments operated in the Center. In 1992, a forensic phonographic examination department was organized at the Center and a forensic phonographic examination was launched, which is important in exposing bribery, corruption.
In 1994, on the basis of the department of judicial accounting of the Center, a department of forensic economic examination was organized, economic examinations began on a large scale. This greatly expanded the possibilities of forensic examination in dealing with various issues relating to economic problems associated with transitions to market relations, in the disclosure of offenses and crimes in the economic sphere.
In 2000, for the first time in Central Asia, a laboratory for forensic biological examination of human DNA was organized at the Center, and a forensic biological examination of human DNA was initiated.
In 2001, an office of the Center was established in the city of Urgench, Khorezm region, and a forensic-technical examination was launched.
Currently, the Center has 5 laboratories, 3 departments, 7 regional offices and an expert group.
If earlier almost in all regional departments only auto technical examination was carried out, then in the years of independence, they organized a judicial-economic, judicial-construction-technical, judicial-commodity research, judicial-land examination.
The center for 54 expert specialties conduct 40 types of large-scale expert examinations.
At present, the Center has a modern technical base and advanced methods for conducting forensic examinations at a high scientific level, providing accurate and reliable expert opinions, and successfully solves the tasks assigned to it in the context of the rule of law state formation and the further development of new economic relations.
Its high potential makes it possible to conduct, along with traditional forensic, chemical, physical, engineering, biological, and economic expertise, the most up-to-date and promising forensic biological expertise of human DNA (gene fingerprinting), phonographic (voice and speech), materials science expertise. In recent years, nowhere else carried out have been carried out, only performed at the Center for the Examination of Phonograms in the Uzbek Language, Forensic Land, Road Transport, Economic Examinations, as well as in the banking and credit, tax spheres, etc.
Expert opinions are an important help for law enforcement agencies and the courts in exposing the most complex crimes and making legal decisions in the case.
If in the first years after the Center was organized, 3.913 examinations were carried out, then by 2011 this figure was 24.540.
The staff of the Center’s offices in the cities of Samarkand, Fergana, Andijan, Karshi, Nukus, Gulistan, Urgench and Termez make a significant contribution to the provision of justice.
Special attention is paid to scientific and methodological work for law enforcement officers and judges.
In addition to conducting forensic research, the Center carries out large-scale scientific research on forensic expertise.
The research conducted at the Center based on the requirements of the practice is aimed at developing the legal, general theoretical foundations of forensic examination, improving existing and creating new methods of forensic examination, and developing and updating information retrieval systems in the field of expertise.
Currently, the Center on the basis of a single state grant, according to the State Scientific and Technical Program (SSTP), approved by the Coordination Council on Scientific and Technical Development under the Cabinet of Ministers, conducts research studies on the polymorphism of the Y-chromosome of Uzbekistan’s populations and on the basis of the internal supplementary plan - in 13 directions.
In particular, scientific research is being carried out to improve the legal management of forensic examination in Uzbekistan aimed at forming the general theoretical basis for forensic examination, developing methodological issues: a study in the field of forensic handwriting examination of specially distorted signatures written in Uzbek based on Latin graphics, the study of the possibilities of establishing and comparison of documents on technical and forensic examination of color inkjet printers on a printed image in the forensic ballistic field - using an electron microscope to identify the shooter’s person, a study of micro-quantities of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, a forensic study of vegetable fats, an examination of micro particles — the development of a method for comparing fibrous objects, in the field of forensic and technical expertise - development of guidelines for the application of the market method for the evaluation of construction objects, for forensic auto technical examination - study “UzGM” (Daewoo) car's brake properties, in the field of forensic economic examination - a study of documents used in economic crimes in the banking system, in the field of judicial phonography - a study of the effect of filter media on the indicators of phonogram sound signals recorded in digital equipment.
Studies carried out on the introduction into the practice of forensic examination of computer equipment, aimed at creating a database on various objects, are devoted to improving the examination of traces and glass.
The center on the basis of the results of its research at scientific conferences held in the CIS countries, including the USA, Germany, France, Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia, Finland, publishes reports and scientific articles.
It should be noted that with the independence of our country, the international authority of the Center has increased even more. The Ministry of Justice has concluded agreements on cooperation in the field of forensic expertise with the ministries of justice of Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and the People’s Republic of China. According to these agreements, the Center mainly cooperates with the judicial expertise of Azerbaijan and Ukraine in sending expert opinions for obtaining reviews, sending scientific articles for publication and for the exchange of teaching materials. Center staff improved their skills in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and the USA. 4 Center staff members have become members of the International Society of Toxicologists.
Center staff participated in a number of scientific seminars held in Tashkent with the participation of foreign experts. In particular, the Center’s employees put into practice the knowledge gained during the seminars on the possibilities of forensic biological examination of human DNA, research of securities and new US dollar bills (in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan), certification of forensic laboratories and forensic toxicology laboratories (in the main Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination), examination of synthetic drugs (at the Center).
Taking into account the contribution and fruitful work in the development in the republic of the sphere of forensic examination and forensic science, 14 employees of the Center were awarded with high awards of the Motherland.
For more information on the activities of the Center for Forensic Expertise, you can refer to its website on the Internet at:
Tashkent State University of Law
Head: Vacant
(0371) 233-42-09
(0371) 233-37-48
Web site:
5 Sayilgokh street, Tashkent
Tashkent State University of Law
Tashkent State University of Law was founded by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures for further improvement of the system of training of legal personnel" dated June 28, 2013 № PP–1990.
The University is a state basic higher educational and scientific-methodical institution for training, retraining of legal personnel on the specialty of "jurisprudence".
There are 15 departments at the University with 224 teachers working, more than 70 of them have international IELTS certificates and an average age of teachers is 37 years.
The University has a Center for professional training of legal personnel in accordance with international standards; particularly it provides for short-term professional training courses for legal personnel in accordance with international standards and advanced training courses in the legal profession for persons with higher education (6 months).
Learning process. The system of education at the University is based on a modular system of training with the introduction of the system of transfer and accumulation of credits to determine the volume of the workload of students. To date, 2856 students (2694 bachelors, 162 masters), in particular 20 foreign nationals are studying. Bachelor's degree lasts 4 years and Master's degree – 1 year.
Specialty in the Bachelor’s degree –Public Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, International Law and Business Law.
Specialty in the Master's degree – Law of Public Administration, Labor Law, Theory and Practice of Criminal Law, Law and Business, Law and Information Technology, Financial and Legal Monitoring.
The University independently develops and approves qualification requirements for bachelor's and master's degrees, curricula and study programms.
Information and communication technologies are widely implemented in the process of activity of the University, in particular, the electronic system of control and assessment of students ' knowledge (Student Record System) is used.
To provide free legal advice to the population and in order to develop professional skills of students a Legal clinic has established. In 2018, more than 500 legal advice and practical assistance were provided.
The University coordinates the educational and methodological process in 14 law colleges of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, providing them with practical and information resource assistance.
Scientific activity. In 2015-2018, more than 200 scientific and practical events were held, more than 100 monographs, brochures and collections of conference materials were published, as well as more than 500 scientific articles (more than 100 of them in foreign countries).
The University has a Scientific Council for the assignment of scientific degrees. The duration of training in doctoral studies and an independent researcher is 3 years, 115 researchers are trained there.
The scientific potential of the University is 32%. There are 16 professors, 19 doctors of science (DSc), 25 associate professors and 55 candidates of science (PhD).
Research project. In 2016-2019, 15 fundamental, 16 practical and 1 innovative research was conducted.
Also, the University took part in the project "the Form of expanding opportunities for legal education through the platform "Electronic University" and won a grant of 140 thousand us dollars in the grant competition of the Fund for academic research, organized by the Ministry of higher and secondary special education together with the world Bank.
International cooperation. The University cooperates with 18 foreign higher education and research institutions, as well as 3 international and foreign organizations. Among them, the Representation of the Fund Konrad Adenauer in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a branch of the INGO "Regional dialogue" in Uzbekistan, and the Russian Autonomous non-commercial organization "International Training and Methodology Centre for Financial Monitoring". And also, Boston College Law School of USA, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer and German Research Institute of Public Administration, University of Law of the Great Britain, University of Toulouse 1 Capitole of France, Nagoya University, University of Osaka, Nagoya University of Economics of Japan, North-West University of Politics and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law of China, Russian State University of Justice, Ural State University of Law of Russian Federation, Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics, Maribor University of Slovenia, Gdansk University of Poland, Polotsk State University of Belarus, Osh State University of Kyrgyzstan.
In 2013-2018 143 teachers have participated in events held in foreign countries, and there were held 493 seminars, presentations involving foreign experts.Students of the University take part in international competitions named after F. Jessup (Jessup Moot Court Competition) and Willem C. Vis Moot (Willem C. Vis Moot).
Foreign experts (Paula Zhang, Anna Guardino, Joan Evida Blum, Howard Daniel Hassenfeld (USA)) give classes at the University on a regular basis. Also, internships of foreign specialists are conducted.
Short-term courses of professional training of legal personnel on international standards with the involvement of 12 highly qualified lawyers and practitioners of world-famous law firms (such as (“White and Case”, “Foley Hoag”, “Dentons” and “Merritz”).
In cooperation with Street Law Inc. and “White & Case” (USA) University realizes “Street Law” project.
For more information on the activities of the university, you can refer to its website on the Internet at:

Center for Advanced Training of Lawyers
Head: Rabiyev Sherzad Mirjalilovich
(0371) 234-56-02
(0371) 234-55-63
Web site:
15, Islam Karimov street, Tashkent city
From the first days of independence of Uzbekistan, at the initiative of the head of state, special attention is paid to further enhancing the role and place of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the system of training highly qualified legal personnel.
In particular, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Improving the Activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated January 8, 1992 № UP-314, the Ministry of Justice is entrusted with such important new tasks as the organization of training, retraining and attestation of employees of legal services of state and economic bodies.
In executing the abovementioned Decree, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution “On the issues of improving the activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated November 12, 1992 under No. 523, in accordance with which the Institute for study of problems of legislation was created under the Ministry of Justice (later it was transformed into training courses for employees of justice and courts).
On the basis of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 19, 1994, under No. 18 “On organizing the activities of justice bodies and courts of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the Institute for Professional development of personnel of Courts and Justice Bodies was establihsed on the basis of the Republican courses for professional development of justice workers.
On the basis of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 19 January 1994, No. 18 on the organization of the activities of the judicial bodies and courts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute for the professional development of judicial and judicial personnel was established on the basis of the National refresher courses.
The Lawyers' Training Center under the Ministry of Justice is a kind of continuation of this institution, it was organized in accordance with the Decree of the President of the country dated June 25, 1997 under No. PP-1791 "On improving the work on legal education, raising the level of legal culture of the population, improving the system of training of legal personnel, studying public opinion".
The main purpose of the Center is to meet the needs of the authorities and law enforcement agencies for highly qualified personnel, radically improve on the basis of modern knowledge, professional training and retraining of legal personnel, as well as improve the quality and extent of scientific research in the field of jurisprudence.
The Center trains employees of justice bodies, courts, prosecutors, lawyers, public administration, as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership.
At present, the Center is a state educational institution aimed at retraining and advanced training of employees of justice bodies, courts, lawyers, professors in the legal field, as well as employees of the legal services of state bodies and other organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form.
The management of the Center consists of the director and his two deputies, professors, teachers and research staff who are assigned the titles established for employees of the justice bodies.
The Center has departments of Public Law Science, Civil Law Science, Criminal Law Science, International Law Science and Human Rights, Theory and Practice of Building a Democratic State in Uzbekistan, as well as educational and methodical, educational-information and computer departments, publishing and library. The Center has a Scientific Council for the coordination of scientific and methodological work.
The organization of the Center is aimed at bringing as much as possible to the practice of the retraining process, advanced training of lawyers who can contribute to the reform of the judicial and legal system in the republic, raise to a higher level the legal support of the activities of state and economic management bodies, local government bodies, state enterprises, institutions and organizations.
In accordance with the professional specialization of the Center's students, representatives of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, experienced practitioners of the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, High Economic Court, Ministry of Justice, Prosecutor General's Office are involved in the educational process.
In the educational process, along with the expansion of theoretical knowledge of students in order to further improve the practical vocational qualification activities in these organizations practical classes are also held.
In recent years, in order to further improve the system of training and advanced training of judges, it has become a tradition to organize meetings and conversations to exchange experience and knowledge with judges, major analysts and practitioners from Germany, France, the UK, the USA, Russia and other countries. Representatives of the Center also participate in a number of international and regional conferences and seminars on judicial and legal issues held in other countries.

State Institution "National Legal Information Center "Adolat"
Head: Tojiyev Furqat Shomurodovich
(0371) 268-28-95
(0371) 268-28-43
Web site:
69, Buyuk Ipak Yuli street, Tashkent
The publishing house Adolat is the only publishing house in Uzbekistan specialized in the publication of official legal literature, it is the most reliable and accurate source of legislative documents, these are the fruits of the work of the best and well-known jurists of our republic.
Story. The Adolat publishing house under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 8, 1992 and is the only official publishing house providing increased legal literacy and providing legislative documents to the population of our republic.
Purpose. Our main goal is to increase legal literacy of the population and meet the demand for legislative documents, in particular, the codes of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The authors. For many years the publishing house Adolat has been publishing books on various topics of eminent jurists, state and public figures of our republic.
Cooperation. Authors, lawyers and researchers: you have the opportunity, in collaboration with us, to publish your writings on legal topics. Publishing house "Adolat" always appreciates the work of scientists.
During the years of independence, considerable work was carried out in the country to provide the population with legal literature. For this purpose, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 8, 1992, No. UP-314 “On the improvement of the activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the specialized publishing house "Adolat" was created under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The publishing house shows initiative in prompt publication and bringing to the public the legal literature: the Constitution, laws, codes of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as legal acts covering significant areas of our society.
During this period, Adolat publishing house issued and distributed laws, codes, normative legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientific, popular science literature, textbooks, teaching aids and other legal literature of about 600 titles, with a total circulation of 8,000,000 copies.
In particular, it is noteworthy that, at the initiative of the leadership of the republic, the book «Ўзбекистон юридик энциклопедияси» ( "Legal Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan") was created, all codes were issued with the latest changes and additions, as well as normative legal acts by fields in the form of collections — official periodicals of Uzbekistan are published «Ўзбекистон Республикаси қонун ҳужжатлари тўплами» ("Collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan») and «Ўзбекистон Республикаси халқаро шартномалари тўплами» ("Collection of international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan»), which are timely delivered to state administration bodies and local municipalities, enterprises, organizations and institutions.
There is a wide information exchange of published official publications of the state enterprise — publishing house "Adolat" with many foreign countries, in particular, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, has been established.
In order to familiarize young people with legal heritage of our people, educate them in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland, respect for national traditions, such books as "Majma' ul-Maqsud " Maksudhu'ja Ibn Mansurhu'ja," Hidoya "Burkhoniddina Marginoni," Sunani Termiziy " Muhammada at-Termizi," Politnama "Nizamul-Mulka," Usulul Fiqh " Abdulvakhhoba Khallofa,"Mutaffakirlar odob va ahloq haqida" were published.
There is a great demand and need for legal literature in our country, which is taking a confident step along the path of building a democratic state based on the rule of law and civil society. Therefore, today the products of the publishing house can be found not only in the state agencies, scientific institution, educational institution or organization and enterprise, but also in many houses, which indicates the growth of the legal culture of the population of the country, to which the publishing house "Adolat" makes its contribution.

State Institution "Center for the Development of Public Services"
Head: Matrasulov Davlatnazar Raximberganovich
(0371) 277-35-41
С первых дней независимости Узбекистана по инициативе главы государства обращается особое внимание дальнейшему повышению роли и места Министерства юстиции Республики Узбекистан в системе подготовки высококвалифицированных юридических кадров.<img width="300" src="" height="225" id="bxid_365034" vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" align="right">
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В частности, согласно Указу Президента Республики Узбекистан “О совершенствовании деятельности Министерства юстиции Республики Узбекистан” от 8 января 1992 года под №УП-314, на Министерство юстиции возложены такие новые важные задачи, как организация подготовки, переподготовки и проведения аттестации сотрудников юридических служб государственных и хозяйственных органов.
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В свете исполнения данного постановления было принято постановление Кабинета Министров “О вопросах совершенствования деятельности Министерства юстиции Республики Узбекистан” от 12 ноября 1992 года под №523, в соответствии с которым при Министерстве юстиции был открыт Институт исследования проблем законодательства (позднее он был преобразован в курсы повышения квалификации сотрудников органов юстиции и судов).
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На основе постановления Кабинета Министров от 19 января 1994 года под №18 “О вопросах организации деятельности органов юстиции и судов Республики Узбекистан” на базе Республиканских курсов повышения квалификации работников юстиции был организован Институт повышения квалификации работников судов и органов юстиции.
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Центр повышения квалификаци юристов при Министерстве юстиции является своеобразным продолжением данного института, он был организован в соответствии с Указом Президента страны от 25 июня 1997 года под №УП-1791 Об улучшении работы по правовому воспитанию, повышению уровня правовой культуры населения, совершенствованию системы подготовки юридических кадров, изучению общественного мнения.
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Основная цель организации Центра заключается в удовлетворении потребности органов власти и правоохранительных органов в высококвалифицированных кадрах, коренном улучшении на основе современных знаний профессиональной подготовки и переподготовки юридических кадров, а также повышении качества и степени научных исследований в сфере юриспруденции.<img width="300" src="" height="225" id="bxid_286016" vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" align="left">
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В Центре обучаются сотрудники органов юстиции, суда, прокуратуры, адвокатуры, государственного управления, а также предприятий, учреждений и организаций независимо от форм их собственности.
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В настоящее время Центр является государственным образовательным учреждением, направленным на переподготовку и повышение квалификации сотрудников органов юстиции и судов, адвокатуры, профессоров-преподавателей в юридической сфере, а также сотрудников юридических служб органов государственного управления и других организаций независимо от их организационно-правовой формы.
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Руководство Центра состоит из директора и его двух заместителей, его профессорам-преподавателям и научно-исследовательским сотрудникам присваиваются звания, установленные для сотрудников органов юстиции.
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В структуре Центра действуют кафедры Государственно-правовых наук, Гражданско-правовых наук, Уголовно-правовых наук, Международного права и прав человека, Теории и практики построения демократического государства в Узбекистане, а также учебно-методический, учебно-информационно-компьютерные отделы, издательство и библиотека. В Центре функционирует Научный совет по координации научно-методической работы.
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Организация Центра направлена на максимальное приближение к практике процесса переподготовки, повышения квалификации юристов, способных внести вклад в реформирование судебно-правовой системы в республике, повысить на более высокий уровень правовое обеспечение деятельности органов государственного и хозяйственного управления, местных органов государственной власти, государственных предприятий, учреждений и организаций.
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В соответствии с профессиональной специализацией слушателей Центра в учебный процесс привлекаются представители Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан, опытные сотрудники-практики Конституционного суда, Верховного суда, Высшего хозяйственного суда, Министерства юстиции, Генеральной прокуратуры.<img width="300" src="" height="200" id="bxid_376072" vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" align="right">
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В учебном процессе наряду с расширением теоретических знаний слушателей в целях дальнейшего совершенствования практической профессионально-квалификационной деятельности в указанных организациях проведены практические занятия.
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В целях дальнейшего совершенствования практической профессионально-квалификационной деятельности наряду с расширением теоретических знаний слушателей в учебном процессе в палатах Олий Мажлиса Республики Узбекистан, Конституционном суде Республики Узбекистан, Верховном суде и Высшем хозяйственном суде Республики Узбекистан организуются практические занятия. Также в учебные планы групп кандидатов, включенных в резерв для назначения на должности судей и судейства, введен специальный курс «Судебная этика», стали традиционными занятия, проводимые квалифицированными психологами Центра психологической службы «Познай себя» на такие темы, как «Управлением временем и эффективная организация рабочего процесса», «Стресс и вызывающие стресс ситуации», «Антистрессовые мероприятия», «Управление конфликтами», «Эффективные методы решения конфликтов», «Эффективные пути ведения диалога с клиентов в процессе работы». Кроме того, широко налажена культурно-просветительская работа, слушатели посещают Государственный музей истории Темуридов, Государственный музей искусств, Государственный музей истории Узбекистана, художественные выставки и театры.
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Если обратимся к цифрам, в 1997-2000 годах в Центре повышали в год квалификацию около 600-800 слушателей, в настоящее время ежегодно осуществляется переподготовка и повышение квалификации около 2500 специалистов.
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Также Центром ведется обучение и других специалистов различных категорий. В частности, согласно постановлению Кабинета Министров от 26 февраля 2009 года, были повышены правовые знания сотрудников действующих в республике администраций рынков, а в целях обеспечения исполнения пункта 7 постановления от 17 февраля 2011 года “Об организации системы централизованного учета лиц, привлеченных к административному наказанию” был организован специальный курс, в котором были обучены должностные лица, обладающие правом рассмотрения дел об административных правонарушениях, в настоящее время работа в этом направлении продолжается. Это, в свою очередь, свидетельствует об увеличении объема работы со времени организации Центра в 3-4 раза.
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В целях повышения на уровень международных норм учебно-методической, научно-практической работы Центром обращается особое внимание установлению сотрудничества с юридическими институтами, центрами повышения квалификации зарубежных государств и международными организациями.
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В последние годы в целях дальнейшего совершенствования системы подготовки и повышения квалификации судей становится традиционной организация встреч и бесед для обмена опытом и знаниями с судьями, крупными аналитиками и практиками из Германии, Франции, Великобритании, США, России и других стран. Также представители Центра участвуют в ряде проводимых в других странах международных и региональных конференций и семинаров, посвященных судебно-правовым вопросам.<img width="301" src="" height="178" id="bxid_991326" vspace="10" hspace="10" border="0" align="right">
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Кроме того, Центр на протяжении нескольких лет осуществляет эффективное сотрудничество с действующими в нашей стране представительствами ряда международных организаций – Программой Развития ООН, ОБСЕ, Международным Комитетом Красного креста, ЮНИСЕФ, ГИЦ, фондами имени Ф.Эберта и К.Аденауэра. Например, в сентябре 2004 года в сотрудничестве с фондом имени Фридриха Эберта и Национальным центром по правам человека Республики Узбекистан проведен международный семинар на тему «Независимость судей: международный, зарубежный и национальный опыт”. В 15-16 мае 2006 года совместно с представительством ЮНИСЕФ (ООН) в Узбекистане организован двухдневный тренинг на тему<b>“</b>Международные стандарты в сфере ювенального правосудия по делам несовершеннолетних”. На тренинге судья Суда по делам несовершеннолетних Франции Давид Аллениос выступил с докладом о системе ювенального правосудия Франции.
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Профессора-преподаватели Центра посредством выступлений, статей через республиканские СМИ, участия в беседах “круглого стола”, национальных и международных конференциях осуществляют правовую пропагандистскую работу во всех областях республики, в различных организациях. В частности, в 2010-2011 годах профессорами-преподавателями Кафедры международного права и прав человека Центра совместно с Координатором проектов ОБСЕ в Узбекистане обучены более 700 представителей правоохранительных органов в ходе семинаров-тренингов, посвященных актуальным вопросам обеспечения прав человека в рамках выдвинутой главой нашего государства “Концепции дальнейшего углубления демократических реформ и формирования гражданского общества в стране”.

State Institution "Center for Intellectual Property"
Head: Sagdullayev Baxodir Taxirovich
(0371) 232 50 53
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Director of the Intellectual Property Agency
T. Abdusattarov was born in 1978 in the Jizzakh region, He graduated from Samarkand State University in 1999, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in 2007, and the National University of Uzbekistan in 2007 in the legal profession.
He began his career in 2003 as a junior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Since March 2019, he worked as the chairman of the Committee on Combating Corruption and Judicial Issues of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In accordance with the Resolution of the President, Abdusattarov Tulkin Sayfullaevich was appointed to the post
In accordance with Presidential Decree dated September 19, 2019 No. UP-4459, T. Abdusattarov was appointed as Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Director of the Intellectual Property Agency.

Legal Policy Research Institute
Head: Maxkamov Eldor Baxromovich
998 71-233-13-59
e-mail: :
100170, 69, Buyuk ipak yuli Street, Mirzo Ulugbek region, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan
RILP activities
The Research Institute of Legal Policy under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan is established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to radically improve the activities of judicial authorities and institutions in the implementation of state legal policy" (# 5410) on the basis of the Center for Legal Studies at the Tashkent State University of Law on April 13, 2018. According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 11, 2018 "About measures on the organization of the activity of the Research institute of legal policy under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the Research institute is a leading state research and scientific institution aiming at implementing a single state legal policy, strengthening of the rule of law and improving the activity of justice authorities.
The main objectives of the Research institute is to conduct scientific researches on significant issues of the legal policy of Uzbekistan, to increase scientifically the effectiveness of methodological support of the legislation, to qualitative organization of lawmaking activity, to formulate consistent and uniform law enforcement practice, to participate in the establishing the integrated system in raising the legal culture of the people.
The activity of the Research institute focuses on the following activities: to conduct scientific research and develop scientific concepts for legal advancement; to study and improve the activities of the judicial authorities; to analyze the law application practice in the judicial and legal sphere, to develop proposals for advancing the legislation; to identify legal problems causing inefficiency of public administration; to define main directions for the development of socio-economic legislation; to make proposals for improving the activities of the judicial system; to cooperate with leading foreign research institutes.
The Research institute consists of four departments: the department for study the legislation in the judicial and legal sphere, the department for study the regulation of legal relations in the social and economic sphere, the department for study the effectiveness of the state administration, the department for study and improvement of the activity of the justice authorities, and the general department.
Furthermore, the Research institute pays special attention to the international cooperation with foreign organizations engaged in the improvement of legislation, research and analytical work in various fields of law.
Currently, the Research institute conducts several important research projects. In particular, in accordance with paragraph 44 of the State Program on Implementation of the Strategy of Action in the five priority areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, the Research institute has drafted a new Code on Administrative Violations. Also, pursuant to clause 47 of the State Program on the Research institute is working over the modernization of civil laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Research institute has been an organizational center for the Tashkent Law Spring International Legal Forum, which took place on April 25-27, 2019, and it is also a responsible organization for the next Law forum in 2020.

State Institution "Center for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies in the Bodies and Institutions of Justice";
Head: Khojaev Kamoliddin Ulugbek ugli
(0371) 207-04-57
5 Sayilgokh street, Tashkent