Last update : 12.01.2024

Ongoing anti-corruption work RSS subscription

Information on the work done by the Anti-Corruption Department in the system of the Ministry of Justice for 6 months of 2021

IImproving the work of the bodies and institutions of Ministry of Justice in the fight against corruption

Realization of the tasks stipulated by the Program on Additional Anti-Corruption Measures, developed as a result of the assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the Ministries of Justice and regional bodies of justice, aimed at minimizing the identified corruption risks in the following areas: public procurement, official audits, analyze of law enforcement practice, notarial activities, checking of regulatory legal acts.

II. Prevention and fight against corruption in the system and institutions of justice

For 6 months of 2021, the Ministry of Justice received 33 complaints about unlawful behavior of employees, as well as 1,072 messages were received via the anticorbot telegram channel, of which 56 messages refer to complaints regarding the actions of employees of bodies of Ministry of Justice. Based on the results of consideration of appeals in respect of 22 employees, appropriate measures were taken and preventive interviews were conducted.

III. Ensuring and monitoring the effective functioning of the anti-corruption system in the judicial system and institutions

In total, 5 compliance checks were carried out online for compliance with internal departmental anti-corruption rules by employees of regional bodies and institutions of justice, and recommendations were given to improve the anti-corruption activities of the bodies of justice institutions.

To train employees of district (city) departments of justice on the basis of a credit-modular system, the department has developed and transferred training materials on the prevention of corruption and conflicts of interest to the Center for Legal Education.

IV. Cooperation with government bodies and organizations involved in and involved in anti-corruption activities

The National Anti-Corruption Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan takes measures to combat corruption in the field of public procurement and health care, and also provides practical assistance to other state bodies.

In accordance with the roadmaps of 26 state bodies and organizations for 2020-2021 to counter and prevent the shadow economy and corruption, practical assistance is provided in the development and improvement of internal anti-corruption documents in accordance with international standards.

On improving anti-corruption legislation in the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Department participation in the work out of projects Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to create an environment for an uncompromising fight against corruption, a sharp decrease in corruption in public administration, as well as expanding public participation in this process" and Republic of Uzbekistan "On additional measures for the effective organization of anti-corruption activities";

work out a draft methodology for assessing corruption risks in public administration.