Last update : 12.01.2024

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Information on the work done by the Ministry of Justice Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of combating corruption in 2021

In 2021 Ministry of Justice carried out the following work to identify and eliminate corruption threats:

I. In the field of improving the activities of the judiciary and institutions to combat corruption:

1. The position of “integrity officer” was introduced in order to identify factors that encourage employees of the judiciary and institutions to commit corrupt acts and systematic work to eliminate them.

2. A system has been established for early detection of corruption in the activities of district (city) public service centers and civil registry offices.

3. Information stands are installed in each registry office indicating the cost of services for each of its types.

II. In the field of preventing and combating corruption offenses in the judiciary and institutions:

1. As a result of summarizing the results of the assessment of corruption risks in the system of the Ministry of Justice, 58 corruption risks were identified (of which: 31 - high, 27 - medium).

On August 9, 2021, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for minimize identified corruption risks approved the Ant-corruption programm for 2021-2022.

As a result of the implementation of the tasks in 2021 specified in this program, work processes in the field of labor relations are carried out electronically, the procedure for assessing the effectiveness of employees has been improved, the anti-corruption qualifications of employees of bodies and institutions of justice have been improved, and explanatory work will be introduced with employees carrying out their activities in positions with high corruption risk.

2. In 2021 received 113 appeals and messages through communication channels about illegal actions of employees of the judiciary and institutions.

Of these, only 71 messages were received through the “Anticorbot” telegram channel regarding the illegal actions of employees of bodies and institutions of justice.

Based on the results of consideration of these appeals and messages, employment contracts with 5 employees were terminated, and appropriate disciplinary measures were taken against 16 employees. Preventive interviews were also conducted with 80 employees;

3) in the field of ensuring and monitoring the effective functioning of the anti-corruption system in the judiciary and institutions:

In 2021, 7 compliance checks were carried out in the bodies and institutions of justice. Based on the results of the compliance check, recommendations were developed to minimize corruption risks.

Training materials have been developed to improve the anti-corruption skills of employees of public service centers, in accordance with which trainings are conducted for employees of the public service center;

4) in the field of interaction with state bodies and organizations that carry out and participate in anti-corruption activities:

а) the program of measures approved by the the National Anti-Corruption Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is being implemented to combat corruption in the field of public procurement and healthcare;

b) practical assistance is provided to state bodies and organizations in the development and implementation of internal anti-corruption management systems;

5) in the field of improving anti-corruption legislation:

а) draft resolutions of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Approval of the Code of Ethics for state servants of the Republic of Uzbekistan” were developed;

b) a draft resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the creation of mechanisms for identifying corruption risks in the field of preventing corruption in the field of public administration, increasing the role of the institution of public control” was developed;

c) draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 7, 2020 “On Amendments to Resolution No. PP–4913 “On Additional Measures to Attract the Private Sector in the Sphere of State Regulation”.

A draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On introducing amendments and additions to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 19, 2021 No. 221 “On measures to organize the activities of agents for the provision of public services” has been developed;

d) a draft law “On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was developed, which provides for the invalidation of contracts concluded in cases of corruption, including conflicts of interest, and the legal consequences of the participation of civil and public servants in entrepreneurial activities;

e) the draft Law “On Conflict of Interests” was developed.