Last update : 12.01.2024

List of notary offices

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Ruziev Suhrob Erkinovich

Khorezm region , Urganch city New-Urganch street, 11-A 223-29-26

State notary office №8 of Urgench city

Rakhmanova Iroda Kadirovna

Khorezm region , Urganch city P.Mahmud street, 46 A-house, 228-58-34

State notary office №9 of Urgench city

Ahmedov Anvarjon Abdumalikovich

Fergana region , Fergana city B.Margiloniy street, 121, 73-244-54-31

State notary office №1 of Fergana city

Egamberdieva Mukaddasxon Kurbonovna

Fergana region , Fergana city Jomi street, 13, 73-225-55-10

State notary office №2 of Fergana city

Ismailova Matlyuba Sotvoldievna

Fergana region , Fergana city Airport street, 72-226-87-80

State notary office №4 of Fergana city

Polvonov Fazliddin Jamoliddinovich

Fergana region , Fergana city Airport street, 72-226-77-40

State notary office №5 of Fergana city

Ashurov Azizbek Zohidovich

Fergana region , Fergana city B.Margiloniy street, house 12

B.Margiloniy street, house 12 State notary office №6 of Fergana city

Akhmedova Barno Axrorovna

Fergana region , Fergana city K.Rakhimov street, 2 A-house, 73-241-46-94

State notary office №7 of Fergana city

Boltabayev Farhodjon Abduhamidovich

Fergana region , Fergana city Al-Farghoniy street, 106, 17, 73-244-77-51

State notary office №10 of Fergana city

Karimova Zumrathan Mukhtarovna

Fergana region , Fergana region, Kokand city, Turkiston street, 131, 73-542-43-63

State notary office №1 of Kokand city