Last update : 12.01.2024

List of notary offices

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Name of institution

Atajanova Dilnoz Haydarovna

Fergana region , Fergana region, Kokand city, Navoi street, 3, 73-554-19-96

State notary office №2 of Kokand city

Ziyavitdinov Zafar Maxmudovich

Fergana region , Kokand city Turkiston street, 139, 73-543-15-48

State notary office №5 of Kokand city

Khojimatov Fazliddin Yuldashevich

Fergana region , Kokand city, Turkiston street 139 b., 73-541-55-00

State notary office №6 of Kokand city

Rustamova Muyassar Umurzakovna

Fergana region , Margilan city B.Margiloniy street, 110, 73-253-35-93 73-253-47-20

State notary office №1 of Margilan city

Sadykov Rustam Mukhtarovich

Fergana region , Margilan city Mustakillik street, 468, 73-253-00-19

State notary office №2 of Margilan city

Ahmedov Shukhratjon Isroiljonovich

Fergana region , Margilan city Mustakillik street, 468, 73-253-00-19.

State notary office №3 of Margilan city

Usmanova Dildora Maxmudovna

Fergana region , Altiariq District Mustakillik street, 73-432-00-53

State notary office №1 of Altiariq district

Khomidov Iqbol Abdisalomovich

Fergana region , Kushtepa district, Gishtmon, Y.Kurbonov street, 2, 73-422-57-94

State notary office of Kushtepa district

Halilov Numonjon Ismailovich

Fergana region , Beshariq District Oltin-Vodiy street, 21, 73-612-10-25

State notary office №1 of Besharik district

Boymatov Rakhimjon Rashidovich

Fergana region , Beshariq District Oltin-Vodiy street, 144, 73-612-10-04

State notary office №1 of Besharik district