Last update : 12.01.2024

List of notary offices

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Mamayunusov Jamoldin Sotvoldievich

Andijan region , Andijan District Bobur street, 30 A-house, 0 (374) 235-39-36

State notary office №3 of Andijan city

Kadirova Dildora Ravshanbekovna

Andijan region , Andijan District Bobur street, 30 A-house, 0 (374) 235-39-36

State notary office №3 of Andijan city

Mamarasulova Malika Abduvakhabovna

Andijan region , Andijan District Lermontov street 9, 0 (374) 226-68-68

State notary office №4 of Andijan city

Matkarimova Gulnora Maxmudovna

Andijan region , Andijan District A.Timur street, 2 (0) (374) 228-16-57

State notary office №6 of Andijan city

Abdukarimhojaeva Gulgina Abdulazizovna

Andijan region , Andijan District Kusharik street, 0 (374) 237-32-11

State notary office №7 of Andijan city

Pozilova Zamirakhon Nematjonovna

Andijan region , Andijan District Kusharik street, 0 (374) 237-32-11

State notary office №7 of Andijan city

Salomov Sarvarbek Mutallibovich

Andijan region , Andijan District Chulpon street, 14/18, 0 (374) 225-74-65

State notary office №8 of Andijan city

Sobirova Barno Sharobiddinovna

Andijan region , Andijan District Chulpon street, 14/18, 0 (374) 225-74-65

State notary office №8 of Andijan city

Madaminov Oyatillokhon Shakhobiddinovich

Andijan region , Andijan District Tashkent street, 0 (374) 227-65-34

State notary office №9 of Andijan city

Yusupov Jasurbek Ibidullayevich

Andijan region , Andijan District Tashkent street, 0 (374) 227-65-34

State notary office №9 of Andijan city