Last update : 12.01.2024

List of notary offices

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Name of institution

Fayziev Jasurbek Rafigovich

Andijan region , Asaka District Sokhil buyi street, 2 0 (374) 233-35-56

State notary office №3 of Asaka district

Haydarov Ma'rufjon

Andijan region , Asaka District Marginoniy street, 7, 0 (374) 233-40-56

State notary office №4 of Asaka district

Aminov Aziz Egamberdievich

Andijan region , Asaka District Gulyam Yokubov street, 0 (374) 233-25-85

State notary office №5 of Asaka district

Ruziev Sanjarbek Ravshanovich

Andijan region , Asaka District B.Sulaymanova street, 50, 391-18-19

State notary office №2 of Asaka district

Akbarov Ne'mat Khaydarovich

Andijan region , Pakhtaabad District A.Timur street, 711-14-69

State notary office №1 of Pahtaabad district

Mirzaev Otabek Turgunbaevich

Andijan region , Pakhtaabad District A.Timur street, 711-14-95

State notary office №2 of Pahtaabad district

Karimova Ra'no Kazimjonovna

Andijan region , Pakhtaabad District A.Timur street, 711-14-95

State notary office №2 of Pahtaabad district

Zaynobiddinov Abrorjon

Andijan region , Kurgontepa District Mustakillik street 723-34-05

State notary office №1 of Kurgontepa district

Shamshieva Salimakhon Kambarovna

Andijan region , Kurgontepa District Mustakillik street, 6th floor, t: 723-34-05

State notary office №1 of Kurgontepa district

Ibidullaev Sharibjon Nematovich

Andijan region , Kurgontepa District Boburshox street, 140, t: 723-26-96

State notary office №2 of Kurgontepa district