Privacy policy of the official mobile application of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Adliya Mobile".
1. An individual or legal entity (Applicant), sending a request for the provision of information and interactive services on the official mobile application of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Adliya Mobile” (hereinafter referred to as Adliya Mobile), accepts this privacy policy of personal data (Policy) and gives his consent for the processing of personal data.
2. Full and unconditional agreement with the Policy (Consent) and their acceptance is confirmation of the fact that the Applicant is familiar with all clauses of this Policy by putting a corresponding mark in the Adliya Mobile application and / or on the official website of the Ministry of Justice
3. The applicant gives his Consent to the processing of his personal data to the State institution "Center for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies in the Bodies and Institutions of Justice" (operator), which owns the mobile application "Adliya Mobile".
4. The applicant gives Consent to the processing of the following personal data:
a) surname, name, patronymic;
b) the series and number of the passport;
c) address of the place of residence;
d) email address (s);
e) phone number;
f) other data provided by the Applicant.
5. The purpose of processing personal data is:
a) ensuring the authenticity of the Applicant in the "Adliya Mobile" application;
b) ensuring the applicant's authorized access to information and interactive services of the justice authorities.
6. In the course of processing the personal data of the Applicant, the following actions will be performed:
a) collection;
b) systematization;
c) storage;
d) change;
e) addition;
f) use;
g) provision;
h) distribution;
i) transfer;
j) depersonalization;
k) destruction.
7. The applicant is provided with the protection of personal data from unauthorized access in accordance with Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Electronic Government".
8. The applicant confirms that the personal data indicated by him belong to him personally.
9. The personal data of the Applicant is stored and processed until the purpose of their processing is achieved or the Consent is withdrawn in accordance with clause 13 of this Policy.
10. Consent can be withdrawn by the Applicant or his legal representative by sending the withdrawal of the Consent in any written form to the operator.
11. The applicant agrees to receive information messages from the "Adliya Mobile" application.
12. The consent of the Applicant is valid until it is withdrawn by the Applicant.
13. This Policy is valid from the moment they are posted on the official website of the Ministry of Justice and can be changed by the operator without prior notice to the Applicant.
Territorial bodies of justice